
Value yourself and your body

Today’s topic is caring, self-care in particular. So often we don’t take the time to indulge in self-care activities such as going for a massage, yoga class, acupuncture session or even a pedicure. We might think this is a luxury we can’t afford or simply something that is not needed. But it’s so important to value yourself and your body and the better you take care of yourself, the easier it will be for you to care for others. Often times we put everyone else’s needs first and forget about our own and I encourage you to listen to what the flight attendants always tell us before take-off, to put your own oxygen-mask on first, before helping others. Remember, the more you allow yourself to receive, the more you have available to give to others. So many of us are imbalanced in our giving and receiving. Make it your priority to give to yourself today. This can be kind affirmations you recite to yourself in the mirror, a Reiki appointment or just time to meditate. Know that you are Divinely loved and always cared for by Heaven.

I want to hear from you! What is one thing you can do for your own health, happiness and wellbeing today?

“It’s so important to value yourself and your body and the better you take care of yourself, the easier it will be for you to care for others.”


Lifting your energy

I feel it’s time to uplift the energy around you today and I sense a need to laugh more. Joy and happiness are the highest vibrations and by giving yourself the opportunity to smile and laugh today you are not only giving yourself the gift of healing, you are also uplifting those around you. Give yourself permission to let go and have fun each day. Schedule some time to play and laugh every day, allow yourself to be silly and not care about what other people might think. When you laugh your whole body relaxes, your mind clears and your heart opens. Make it your mission to cheer someone up today.

I want to hear from you! What makes you smile?

“Joy and happiness are the highest vibrations and by giving yourself the opportunity to smile and laugh today you are not only giving yourself the gift of healing, you are also uplifting those around you.”


Listening to all of our guidance

The message to exercise is one that we so often ignore or refuse to listen to. Often times we pray for guidance and the answer we instantly get is to go for a walk, take a yoga class or join the gym. Instead of listening and taking inspired action though, we’re wondering why our prayers aren’t answered, why feel blocked, stuck or can’t hear our guidance… That’s often because we don’t want to hear the messages we receive.

The answer to our prayers sometimes comes in unexpected forms and one very common thing the Universe will ask us to do is to get some exercise. As your body becomes stronger and you breathe deeply, stretch and move regularly, you will feel an ever deeper connection with your higher self and your intuition. It is so much easier to hear the guidance you receive when you have a clear mind and a relaxed body, and a run, a brisk walk or a spin class is the perfect way to achieve just that. You will feel happier, healthier and less stressed by engaging in some form of exercise daily, all it really takes is some stretching in front of the TV at night, a pilates app on your phone or a short walk during your lunch break. Everyone can do it and you will actually feel like you have more time, as your increased energy levels will make you even more productive.

I want to hear from you! What is your favorite form of exercise?

“As your body becomes stronger and you breathe deeply, stretch and move regularly, you will feel an ever deeper connection with your higher self and your intuition.”


Are you caring for your body?

I felt guided to talk about body care today. I’ve been getting constant messages from the Universe to detox over these last few days. How about you? I often hear people complain that they feel stuck or blocked. At these times, I always ask “What guidance have you been receiving that you’ve ignored or resisted?” Often times the Universe gives us very simple, highly practical messages, like ‘exercise more’, ‘connect with nature’ or ‘drink more water’. These suggestions may seem simplistic but they can make a huge difference to your energy levels. If you take these steps and follow the guidance you will find that your energy will increase, your mood will be lifted and your overall well-being will be improved. You will then feel motivated to make even bigger life changes.

It’s all about taking small steps and once you complete one action you will be guided to the next and the next. Sometimes the answer to your prayer can be as simple as today’s message, ‘body care’. To me, this is actually really profound guidance.

It’s time we all wake up and clear our minds. There is work to do and there is no time to procrastinate any longer. When we cloud our minds and bodies with substances that we know are not good for us we simply delay our purpose, we avoid taking the necessary action we are guided to take. If we instead listen to our inner voice and choose healthful and empowering food and beverages, we will have more energy to devote towards our growth and our work for the betterment of this planet. The world needs people to wake up to their purpose, it needs you to be strong and sober so that you can really see what’s going on around you and be part of the change from the old energy to the new way of living.

We are moving away from competition, greed and lack mentality into a new era of compassion, integrity, transparency and cooperation. We are about to enter a new golden era of the Earth’s existence and we need you to play an active part in this. It’s time to detox, to make healthful, positive changes to your diet and exercise program, but this also has to do with self-love. Sure, feeding your body nourishing foods is a great act of self-love but you also need to watch how you speak to yourself on a daily basis. I suspect some things you keep telling yourself you wouldn’t even say to your worst enemy. Please, be kind to yourself, speak gently and loving words to yourself, be radical, try looking into mirror, deep into your own eyes and say “I love you, I really love you”.

Now do this every day for 40 days. You will see miraculous shifts in how you treat your body after that, because when you truly love yourself, you don’t want to feed yourself junk, you will instead honour your magnificent self with high-energy food containing vital life-force and this will create another massive shift. You will also give yourself the gift of exercise, not because you have to but because you love yourself so much that it will be a simple act of self-care. Go do something good for yourself today, make a green smoothie, take a walk in the park or look yourself in the mirror and say “I love you”…

I want to hear from you! What is your favorite form of self-care?

“If we listen to our inner voice and choose healthful and empowering food and beverages, we will have more energy to devote towards our growth and our work for the betterment of this planet.”


On Relationships

If you are looking for the love of your life, your soul mate or your twin flame, then this post is for you. We all have many soul mates and there is no reason to worry that you will never meet the “right” person for you or that you’ve missed an opportunity. When one door closes another one opens. As you know, worry never helps anything, but prayer always does, ask the Universe for help with preparing you for your new love.

All relationships serve a purpose and teach us lessons. Therefore, no partner is better than another, they are all learning experiences that help us understand ourselves better and teach us important life lessons. This means that no break-up or separation is a mistake in truth. We grow from each encounter and this prepares us for the next step on our journey. With each experience, no matter how hurtful, we learn something and afterwards we actually have a better picture of what it is we really want, or don’t want, in a partner.

Be grateful for all your relationships, give thanks for the lessons you’ve learned, bless your past partners and most importantly – forgive everyone. Forgiving doesn’t mean you say that what the other person did was right, it simply means you are no longer willing to carry the pain and resentment that in truth only hurts you, not the other person.

Releasing our ex’s is an important step in finding new love and in my next post, I will share some other practical tips on how to attract a perfect partner.

I want to hear from you! Have you experienced soul mate love?

“Worry never helps anything, but prayer always does.”


Cycles and Rhythms

I wanted to discuss cycles and rhythms today. I feel it’s time for you to take a break and get some rest. It’s okay to do nothing sometimes and it’s often after such a pause that we become even more productive when we return. Everything in the Universe works in cycles, and so does your energy levels. Don’t be so hard on yourself, make sure you get enough sleep, maybe make time for a yoga class or just sit in stillness and meditate for 15 minutes. Everything will still be there when you return.

I want to hear from you! How will you spend your much-needed and well-deserved ‘time off’ today?

“Everything in the Universe works in cycles, and so does your energy levels. Don’t be so hard on yourself, take a break when you need to.”


A Challenge for You Today

I would like to challenge you to be completely honest with yourself and decide what you do want in your life, and what you don’t want. Have you felt guided to make changes in your life lately, maybe change your diet, detox your relationships, give up sugar or start exercising?

This sort of guidance is often easy to ignore as it makes us feel like we are being deprived of something we enjoy. The truth is though, that by ignoring these messages you will probably find yourself feeling anxious, stuck, unmotivated or even depressed.

Whether you have felt guided to surround yourself with more positive people, detox from unhealthy foods or stop gossiping, the Universe is not trying to take away your fun but rather improve your life in ways you can’t even imagine. Your higher self can see your full potential and also what is standing in the way of you living your best life.

Take some time today to really listen to those messages and think about what guidance you have been repeatedly hearing but ignoring until now. I suggest you give it a try and I am sure you will see such positive results you won’t miss your old habits at all.

I want to hear from you! What guidance have you been receiving lately?


How do you want to spend your day?

Mornings are my favourite time of the day, I love waking up to a new day, knowing I am free to do whatever I want with my time and that I have the opportunity to create my experience. I feel very grateful and blessed to be able to do this and I am thankful for each and every moment I get to follow my bliss and do this work.

It’s taken me a long time to get to this point, to commit, overcome procrastination and make the decision to go for my dream, live my purpose and hopefully inspire you to follow your joy, in whatever way that may be.

Of course we all still have our individual day-to-day responsibilities and these vary from person to person, we all still have chores and to do-lists. You might be stressed about finances, family or work life balance. Committing to your dream does not necessarily mean quitting your full-time job and become a yoga instructor, but maybe you could at least download an app on your phone and devote 20 minutes of your day to stretching. Or if you’ve always wanted to write a book, start by setting your alarm half an hour early each day and take the time to journal the first thing you do when you wake up. Maybe you would like to meditate more but don’t feel you have the time. Take 5 minutes out of your office lunch-break, go to the bathroom, lock the door and just sit and breathe for a few moments, that’s really all it takes.

My wish is that you see the possibilities instead of the blocks to living the life of your dreams, let today be the day when you take one step in the direction of your goals, I guarantee you will soon love mornings as much as I do, even if they include things like traffic jams, a cold or a full inbox.

Focus on the little things you can do to feel good, trust that each action step is taking you closer to where you want to be and know that you are fully supported each step of the way. You have the power to change your life and create the day you would like to experience.

I want to hear from you! What would you do if you had more time?