
The Centers of Our Spiritual Power

Most of you are familiar with the chakras. Chakras are energy centres of spiritual power within the human body. The word ‘chakra’ comes from the Sanskrit word for wheel or circle. Today we are again reminded to focus on love. The Universe wants you to know that it’s safe for you to open your heart to giving and receiving love, trust that you are protected and guided.

There are different ways to help this process and one thing you can do is to picture yourself surrounded by a cocoon of pink light. Another effective method for opening your heart chakra is to surround yourself with the fragrance of pink roses or pure rose essential oil. You can also try wearing a rose quartz crystal over your heart or simply focus your intentions on love.

The peace and joy we all seek can be easily achieved in minutes by quieting the mind and spending some time in meditation, connecting with Source, who is in truth LOVE.

I want to hear from you! How do you keep your heart open?

“The Universe wants you to know that it’s safe for you to open your heart to giving and receiving love, trust that you are protected and guided always.”

“The peace and joy we all seek can be easily achieved in minutes by quieting the mind and spending some time in meditation, connecting with Source, who is in truth LOVE.”


On Relationships

If you are looking for the love of your life, your soul mate or your twin flame, then this post is for you. We all have many soul mates and there is no reason to worry that you will never meet the “right” person for you or that you’ve missed an opportunity. When one door closes another one opens. As you know, worry never helps anything, but prayer always does, ask the Universe for help with preparing you for your new love.

All relationships serve a purpose and teach us lessons. Therefore, no partner is better than another, they are all learning experiences that help us understand ourselves better and teach us important life lessons. This means that no break-up or separation is a mistake in truth. We grow from each encounter and this prepares us for the next step on our journey. With each experience, no matter how hurtful, we learn something and afterwards we actually have a better picture of what it is we really want, or don’t want, in a partner.

Be grateful for all your relationships, give thanks for the lessons you’ve learned, bless your past partners and most importantly – forgive everyone. Forgiving doesn’t mean you say that what the other person did was right, it simply means you are no longer willing to carry the pain and resentment that in truth only hurts you, not the other person.

Releasing our ex’s is an important step in finding new love and in my next post, I will share some other practical tips on how to attract a perfect partner.

I want to hear from you! Have you experienced soul mate love?

“Worry never helps anything, but prayer always does.”


Does your inner goddess have insight?

Today I wanted to focus on the Goddess within all of us and the insight you will receive when quieting your mind and focusing inwards. This is a message about seeking answers within and tapping into the Divine feminine inherent wisdom that resides in all of us.

The goddess is part of the Divine Source and is closely connected to the cycles of the moon, the ebb and flow of life. You are encouraged to embrace your inner strength and take your work to the next level.

It’s time to step out and show yourself to the world. No one benefits when you hold back and don’t allow your light to shine fully. Trust that it is safe for you to go public with your work or ideas. This is also a message to observe the natural cycles and rhythms of life so that you can work with the flow instead of against it.

Trust in Divine timing and exercise patience if you don’t see instant result from your efforts. Know that things are exactly as they need to be and you will reach your desired outcome at just the right time.

I want to hear from you! What is one project you can move forward with today?


Does the moon influence you?

What does your heart truly desire? I wanted to discuss moon cycles today. As you know, everything is the Universe works in cycles, it is the rhythm of life.

Rather than fighting these changes, try to embrace them and go with the flow as often as you can. Trust that you are supported by something far greater than you and that it is safe for you to make the healthful changes you’ve been considering.

Ask the Universe for support and know that you are supported every step of the way.

I want to hear from you! How do the moon cycles affect you?


The Universe has big plans for you

Trust that the Universe has a much bigger plan for you than you can ever imagine.

Know that even though things may feel tough right now, you are exactly where you need to be at this moment. Heaven is working behind the scenes on your behalf and your prayers have been heard. Keep the faith and know that the Universe always has a solution and much bigger plans in store for you than you can see right now.

If you feel inclined, call on the Archangel Michael for extra strength, courage and support or lean into Mother Mary’s gentle and nurturing embrace for comfort in times of need. You can do this regardless of religion, this work is 100 % non-denominational.

You are never alone and there is always angelic support available to you 24/7, it really doesn’t matter if you believe in this stuff or not.

I want to hear from you! What do you need help with right now?


Intuition guides your journey

It is so important to trust your gut instinct and follow your intuition in life, and also in business.

Think about a project or business idea you’ve been considering, maybe this post is a positive sign about your career prospect. Maybe the time is right to go ahead and act on that inspired idea you have. You were given these ideas to do them and you have all the resources available to you to make them come into fruition. You are always given the right set of tools to succeed with your mission here on Earth.

Trust that you will be helped along the way. Often times we are not shown the end result straight away, instead we are guided each step of the way. When you complete step A, you will be shown step B and so on.

Know that the Universe has your back, every step of the way and that you are supported, protected and guided throughout your journey.

I want to hear from you! Do you have a business idea you would like to explore?