

I wanted to talk to you about forgiveness today. Perhaps you have a parent-child relationship that is in need of healing and attention. I would suggest you do a little forgiveness meditation for yourself and each member of your immediate family. You can simply use the words “I love you, I forgive you, and I set us both free”. Say this quietly in your mind, one time for each family member and I guarantee you will experience major shifts. Forgiveness doesn’t mean you say that what the other person did was okay, it simply means you are no longer willing to hold onto the pain that the anger and unforgiveness is causing you, as it’s only hurting you not them.

I want to hear from you! How has forgiveness helped you?

“Forgiveness doesn’t mean you say that what the other person did was okay, it simply means you are no longer willing to hold onto the pain that the anger and unforgiveness is causing you, as it’s only hurting you not them.”


Are you open to receiving love?

Today’s message is all about being open to receiving love, in all forms and in every area of your life. This is a reminder for us all to reawaken our passion for life itself, to fall back in love with ourselves, our work, hobbies, projects, family and friends. Welcome romance back into your life and allow yourself to feel all the feelings you’ve been holding back on due to lack of time or energy. Now is the time to open your heart fully and share that love with those around you.

I want to hear from you! What does your heart tell you today?

“Now is the time to open your heart fully and share that love with those around you.”


Music in your heart

As you probably already know, chakras are energy centres of spiritual power in the human body. The heart chakra corresponds to the color green and is the centre of your physical body that is most attuned to love. Please know that it is safe for you to open your heart, to give and receive love. Even if your heart has been wounded before and you hesitate to open up fully again, know that you are fully protected and guided to pure and loving experiences this time.

I want to hear from you! What makes you heart sing?

“It is safe for you to open your heart, to give and receive love.”


Emotional healing

Let’s talk about emotional healing, the need to release anger and resentment. It is safe for you to open your heart, to let go of any emotional pain you’ve been holding on to and to release that which you know longer need.

I want to hear from you! Is there anything in your life that is no longer serving you? Ask the Universe to help you release it and it is done.

“It is safe for you to open your heart, to let go of any emotional pain you’ve been holding on to and to release that which you know longer need.”


Finding your soulmate

I wanted to return to the subject of finding your soulmate. Calling on the romance angels and talking to your future soul mate’s guardian angels might sounds crazy but it’s an extremely effective way to bring the two of you together, even if you don’t believe in angels! Say a prayer to the Universe and make sure to follow any guidance you receive, even if it doesn’t make sense to you at first or even seems related to you finding your new partner.

Heaven often has much higher standards for you than you might hold for yourself, be open to all opportunities and try to keep an open mind, this person might not be like the people you’ve dated before and there could be a very good reason for that.

You can also call on the romance angels when you feel the need for more passion in your everyday life, whether you are in a relationship or not. By doing so they can help you reignite the spark with a longtime partner or make you excited about your job again or an old project you’ve been putting off.

I want to hear from you! Which area of your life could use some more passion?

“Calling on the romance angels and talking to your future soul mate’s guardian angels might sounds crazy but it’s an extremely effective way to bring the two of you together, even if you don’t believe in angels!”


Acts of Self-Love

Lets talk about grace today. This is a reminder to really see your inner beauty, your outer beauty, and also encouraging you to not hide your light from the world. You were made in the image and likeness of the Creator. You are a perfect being of Divine love and light and there is nothing about you that is less than true perfection. Know that you are a beloved child of God, very much needed on this Earth at this time. You, like all others, deserve the very best in life, open your arms to receiving all good that life has to offer and be grateful for all that you have and all that you are.

I want to hear from you! What is one act of self-love you will make time for today?

“Know that you are a beloved child of God, very much needed on this Earth at this time.”


Love yourself

It is an intense time energetically right now. If you’ve been feeling down lately or just a bit “off”, it is very likely you’ve been affected by outside influences. This is a reminder that things will improve, especially if you’ve been experiencing difficulties in relationships, maybe you’ve been fighting with your spouse for no apparent reason or had misunderstandings in other relationships at home or at work. Try to look at the situation through the eyes of your spirit, see the other person’s higher self and know that in spiritual truth, there is no real conflict, just bruised egos. Stay focused on love and know that this will bring the situation to a speedy end.

I want to hear from you! How are you being kind to yourself today?

“Stay focused on love and know that this will bring the situation to a speedy end.”



The Centers of Our Spiritual Power

Most of you are familiar with the chakras. Chakras are energy centres of spiritual power within the human body. The word ‘chakra’ comes from the Sanskrit word for wheel or circle. Today we are again reminded to focus on love. The Universe wants you to know that it’s safe for you to open your heart to giving and receiving love, trust that you are protected and guided.

There are different ways to help this process and one thing you can do is to picture yourself surrounded by a cocoon of pink light. Another effective method for opening your heart chakra is to surround yourself with the fragrance of pink roses or pure rose essential oil. You can also try wearing a rose quartz crystal over your heart or simply focus your intentions on love.

The peace and joy we all seek can be easily achieved in minutes by quieting the mind and spending some time in meditation, connecting with Source, who is in truth LOVE.

I want to hear from you! How do you keep your heart open?

“The Universe wants you to know that it’s safe for you to open your heart to giving and receiving love, trust that you are protected and guided always.”

“The peace and joy we all seek can be easily achieved in minutes by quieting the mind and spending some time in meditation, connecting with Source, who is in truth LOVE.”


Renew your Romance

Isn’t it time to ignite the passion and romance in your life? To welcome a renewed sense of excitement, playfulness and creativity. Surrender any fear of giving and receiving love to the Universe and trust that it is safe for you to express your true feelings and desires. Give yourself time to laugh and play today, as when you smile and have fun, you are uplifting those around you and setting the perfect scene for a romantic experience.

I want to hear from you! How can you bring more passion into your life today?

“Surrender any fear of giving and receiving love to the Universe and trust that it is safe for you to express your true feelings and desires.”


Opening Your Heart

Today’s message is about opening your heart. I feel now is a perfect time to get in touch with your passion. So many of us go through life feeling we are missing something, there is a longing for something greater, more intense. Perhaps you are looking for a deeper feeling of connection and love. Often times people search for this connection in romantic relationships and are later disappointed when that initial passion fade and the relationship moves into the next phase. We often put too much pressure and expectation on our partners to fulfill us and keep us completely satisfied, but the true passion you seek can more likely be found in connecting with the Divine Source that is, in truth, Love with a capital L.

When you connect with Source in its purest form you will feel a love so great you will never want to distance yourself from it ever again. By practicing meditation daily you are giving yourself the gift of being still and quieting your mind and the reward is a deep sense of bliss, belonging and peace. Every time you connect with the Divine you are reminded of your own origin and the reason you are here on Earth; to experience, teach and learn about Love.

I want to hear from you! How can you connect to love today?

“By practicing meditation daily you are giving yourself the gift of being still and quieting your mind and the reward is a deep sense of bliss, belonging and peace.”

“Every time you connect with the Divine you are reminded of your own origin and the reason you are here on Earth; to experience, teach and learn about Love.”