
A story of inspiration…

I wanted to share a story with you today. One of the highlights of my latest trip to Lake Como in Italy was a visit to a Mother Mary sanctuary. A beautiful shrine has been built in her honor after she made an appearance there. I didn’t know what to expect before visiting. The blessed Mother has been one of my guides for quite some time and I do feel very close to her but this was a whole new experience. As soon as I stood in front of the small cave where the apparition took place I could really feel her energy very strongly. It was so loving and gentle but yet powerful. I felt like crying and was very touched by her presence. I immediately began receiving messages from her and I had to sit down and start taking notes. Some of the messages I wrote down were of a more private character but I feel inclined to share some of the information I received as I feel it is an important reminder for all of us.

“Open your heart. Share your light with the world. By doing this you are an excellent role model for your children, not just your own but those around you. Be the light that inspires others. Shine so brightly that people around you get uplifted simply by your presence. Be happy, joyful, assertive, powerful, stand strong in your beliefs and don’t let anyone discourage you from pursuing your dreams. You are important and you can make a difference. You all have an important part to play in this world, at this time, and by following your path you are preparing the way for the children in your life to do the same. Don’t hide your light, you have far too much to share to take a backseat in your own life. It is safe for you to open your heart, shine your light and share your truth.”

My family and friends had all gone back to the car by this stage but at that point I wanted to stay there all day. I was standing in the pouring rain but I just couldn’t bring myself to leave, it was such a beautiful experience. My wish is that you listen to her words and go shine your light today, the world needs you!

I want to hear from you! Who inspires you to be your best self?

“Shine your light brightly, the world needs you.”


On being true to yourself…

Are you being true to yourself, your feelings and your own inner guidance system? It is safe for you to follow your heart and to trust your intuitive hunches. When you speak your truth you give others permission to do the same. This can be frightening at times but please know that by being lovingly honest about your feelings and opinions your light shines even brighter. There is no benefit in hiding your light or taking a backseat in your own life, by not speaking up about what you believe in or not acting on that guidance. Listen to that inner voice and follow your intuition as this will always lead you to your highest good.

People will respect you and honor your choices, even if they don’t agree with you, when they can see you are acting with truth and integrity. Sometimes we are afraid of hurting other people’s feelings, we want to please those around us or we might be afraid of someone’s reaction but remember that if you’re not being true to yourself you really aren’t being yourself fully and the world needs that.

I want to hear from you! What is your inner guide telling you today?

“It is safe for you to follow your heart and to trust your intuitive hunches.”


Share what you learn…

I know everyone reading this has important knowledge to share with the world. The Universe is encouraging you to share the Divine messages of love and light you intuitively receive with those around you. As Yogi Bhajan said: “To learn something, read about it. To understand something, write about it. To master something, teach it.” Perhaps friends often seek you out for advice and guidance. You naturally motivate and inspire those around you and you have natural healing abilities that uplift and comfort others in need. Use these gifts to help more people by taking your counselling work to the next level, maybe even considering doing it professionally in some way? There are so many options available, ask the Universe for guidance and support on your journey…

I want to hear from you! How can you best use your gifts to heal the world?


Do this for yourself today…

I wanted to talk about assertiveness today. This is a message for you to stand up for yourself and your beliefs, no matter what other people think. Now is the time to get back in touch with your inner passion and desires, as when you get in touch with that inner flame and rediscover what truly makes your heart sing, nobody will be able to stop you. It’s time to speak your truth and trust that things will work out as you are fully guided and supported on your path.

Have you been waiting for someone else to tell you that it’s okay for you to go for your dreams? Asking for validation or advice about what to do next? The truth is that the answer lies within you and you can be your own authority figure. Tap yourself on the shoulder and give yourself permission to go for your dreams today!

I want to hear from you! What do you desire?

“The answers lie within you and you can be your own authority figure. Tap yourself on the shoulder and give yourself permission to go for your dreams today.”


Self-reliance and Empowerment

Today’s message is about self-reliance and empowerment. Now is a perfect time for setting intentions and manifesting your goals. I would like to encourage you to keep going for your dreams and not be distracted by other people’s opinions or negativity. You deserve to have everything you desire and as long as you focus your intentions and take guided action, you will succeed! You don’t need anyone else’s approval to do this, trust your own inner voice and know that you have what it takes to achieve your goals and bring your dreams to life.

I want to hear from you! What are your intentions for this coming week?

“You deserve to have everything you desire and as long as you focus your intentions and take guided action, you will succeed.”


Trusting Yourself

I wanted to talk to you about independence, trusting in your own inner strength, standing in your power and standing up for your beliefs even when you’re feeling like you’re the only one speaking up. I encourage you to embrace your uniqueness and be proud of who you are. This is also a reminder to make sure you balance social time with others with some much-needed ‘alone-time’. Like the cat, it’s important for you to feel free and independent.

You may ask others for their advice or opinions but ultimately it’s up to you to trust your own inner guidance and make the right decision based on your own convictions. This can also relate to work-life balance, maybe you need to take some time out to play and have fun. Even though this may sound counter-productive if you, like me, have a long ‘to-do’ list staring at you, know that you will be even more productive and focused if you allow yourself to completely relax, play and embrace your inner child at least once a day. And remember, when you make sure your own needs are met you are in a much better position to help others.

I want to hear from you! How can you take some time out for you today?

“When you make sure your own needs are met you are in a much better position to help others.”



Taking your power

I wanted to talk about empowerment today. Have you been getting messages to take back your power, to be more assertive and stand up for yourself and your beliefs? It’s time for you to step up and be a positive role model for others by taking loving action that will inspire those around you. It is safe for you to be powerful and it is safe for you to use your gifts and share them with the world.

When you hold back on your light, no one benefits, if you instead allow yourself to shine you will motivate others to do the same. A mantra that I use whenever I feel insecure about my work, or to overcome self-doubt, is “When you get nervous, focus on service”. It’s really not about you, it’s about the difference you can make in the world, and how you can help others through your unique gifts. I always give all credit to the Source for my writing and coaching, as the messages come through me, not from me. When you see yourself as the messenger, it’s easier to detach from the outcome, then there is no need to fear so called failure or even success. Just know that you are doing your part of the plan by taking guided action.

I encourage you to speak up today, maybe you need to be more assertive in certain friendships, in the office or with your partner. Perhaps you will take action related to activism for your favourite cause. Whatever you choose to do today, please know that by stepping up and assuming your leadership power, you will be a role model and inspiration to so many people around you.

I want to hear from you! How can you empower yourself today?

“It is safe for you to be powerful and it is safe for you to use your gifts and share them with the world.”


Morning Routines

My morning routine… I always start my day with a brisk walk to get some fresh air and clear my mind before starting my day. I practice transcendental meditation twice per day and try to do some yoga or stretching most days. I love mornings and usually wake up at 5 am, my body clock wakes me before my alarm goes off. Yoga is a great way to open your chakras and you are guaranteed to feel more balanced as you begin your day.

I want to hear from you! How do you start your day?

“Yoga is a great way to open your chakras and you are guaranteed to feel more balanced as you begin your day.”


Acts of Courage

Today I wanted to talk a bit about courage, having confidence and standing up for your beliefs. When you do so, you will inspire others to do the same. It’s not always easy speaking up or taking a stand, especially if you feel like you’re the only one doing so or if others are disagreeing. Please know that you are safe and supported and that it will be worth it, even if you can’t see the results of your efforts right away.

I encourage you to stand up for your convictions, speak your truth and continue to be a role model to those around you. You also have the opportunity to be the voice of someone who can’t speak for themselves. Perhaps you are a vegan or vegetarian and by choosing not to eat meat you help the animals who can’t speak up against the mistreatment in the food industry. Or maybe you support a charity that helps children who suffer from war or other cruelties. Maybe you chose organic, fair trade fashion and thereby support the Earth as well as the workers involved.

There are so many little acts of courage you can do, please go ahead and act with integrity and speak your truth today.

I want to hear from you! How do you show personal courage?

“When you stand up for yourself, you inspire others to do the same.”



Releasing anger

I wanted to talk to you about the importance of releasing anger. Often times we can hang on to anger or unforgiveness towards a person, not realizing that we’re only hurting ourselves by hanging on to this toxic emotion. Imagine looking at the situation from the perspective of your higher self and try to see the other person through the eyes of your true self. When you look past the ego, your own and other people’s, you will see the person’s true self and this will make it easier to respond to the situation with peace and love.

I want to hear from you! Who can you forgive today?

“When you look past the ego, your own and other people’s, you will see the person’s true self”