
The Centers of Our Spiritual Power

Most of you are familiar with the chakras. Chakras are energy centres of spiritual power within the human body. The word ‘chakra’ comes from the Sanskrit word for wheel or circle. Today we are again reminded to focus on love. The Universe wants you to know that it’s safe for you to open your heart to giving and receiving love, trust that you are protected and guided.

There are different ways to help this process and one thing you can do is to picture yourself surrounded by a cocoon of pink light. Another effective method for opening your heart chakra is to surround yourself with the fragrance of pink roses or pure rose essential oil. You can also try wearing a rose quartz crystal over your heart or simply focus your intentions on love.

The peace and joy we all seek can be easily achieved in minutes by quieting the mind and spending some time in meditation, connecting with Source, who is in truth LOVE.

I want to hear from you! How do you keep your heart open?

“The Universe wants you to know that it’s safe for you to open your heart to giving and receiving love, trust that you are protected and guided always.”

“The peace and joy we all seek can be easily achieved in minutes by quieting the mind and spending some time in meditation, connecting with Source, who is in truth LOVE.”


Passion and Purpose

Let’s talk about Life Purpose today. I love being able to do what I do and am passionate about helping others find their purpose too. Writing and teaching has always been what I enjoy most, ever since I was a little girl I wanted to be a teacher and for as long as I can remember I’ve been writing stories, articles and now I’m working on my first book. I have always been scared of taking my work to the public, since it’s so personal, but I’ve promised myself to stop procrastinating with my writing. Being able to do what I love brings me immense joy and happiness and it is my goal to assist others in finding their bliss and true calling.

I want to hear from you! What is your passion?

As we’ve talked about before, you all have important gifts to share with the world. You have healing abilities and sometimes you just take them for granted and use them without reflecting upon them, which of course is perfectly fine, but if you knew how much guidance and reassurance you actually bring to people, just by being you, you might consider taking these abilities one step further, to the next level, and in turn help more people. This could be an indication that counselling others is a big part of your life purpose. The world needs more healers and with counselling you heal through words. Do friends and family often seek you out for help and advice? Trust you with their secrets and confide in you? Do you find that when you give people your opinion, they really listen and benefit from your input? This is definitely a sign that you have natural counselling abilities that can be used professionally as well, if you choose to.

I want to hear from you! What kind of healing work do you feel drawn to?

“You have important gifts to share with the world.


Is it a sign?

Have you been struggling with a decision lately or has a question been lingering in your mind for a while? Well, maybe this post is the confirmation you need to move forward, only you will know.

Often times we ask ourselves, “Is this a sign?” and I can assure you that almost every time you ask yourself that question, the answer is yes, it is a sign from Heaven. When you feel the need for assistance, the first step is always to ask for guidance, if you find it difficult to hear the messages you receive ask the Universe to then give you a clear sign in the physical world that you can easily notice and understand. Then, once you receive this, take guided action accordingly.

So maybe this post is your sign today that it’s OK to go ahead, say yes to that project, take that class or apply for that job! Ask for strength and courage and you will be supported every step of the way.

I want to hear from you! What signs have you received lately?


The Basics of Manifesting

So many people ask me about manifesting and how to do it. It’s really very simple and we are all born with the ability to manifest whatever we want in life.

Let’s talk about how you can manifest your dreams and bring your desires into physical form.

Sometimes when you ask the Universe for something you have to consider the element of divine timing; you have been heard and Heaven is working behind the scenes to help you. This is the time to have patience, trust and let go, to detach from the outcome.

Release the need to control or force things to happen. When we stay centered in faith and gratitude, we allow the Universe to bring us what we’ve asked for. Sometimes it’s simply a matter of divine timing. Know that all the details are taken care of, stay optimistic and trust that everything is working out exactly as it’s supposed to with blessings for everyone involved.

Ask the Universe for a sign that your manifestations are on their way and you can rest assured you are being looked after. Apart from having a clear vision, another very effective way to quickly manifest your desires is to imagine what it would feel like if your desired outcome was already here now.

Allow yourself to really experience the feeling of having received what you asked for.

Another important element is to be open to receiving, this means to know in your heart that you deserve to receive.

I want to hear from you! What is one thing you are wanting to manifest in your life right now?

If you want more help manifesting – sign up for the 5 steps on the right —>


Connect with your inner flame

By releasing the old we make way for the new with reignited passion.

I encourage you to ask yourself what you truly desire in life.

Are you holding back in some areas and perhaps not expressing your full potential? Maybe you’ve been afraid to admit even to yourself what you deep inside feel is your purpose and mission in life.

Now is the time to get back in touch with that inner flame, know that it’s safe for you to let your light shine fully. Ask the Universe for motivation to take those action steps towards your dreams and manifestation of your goals. Call on help to remove your fears about the new so you can fully embrace your whole being and purpose.

I want to hear from you! What do you desire?