
Renew your Romance

Isn’t it time to ignite the passion and romance in your life? To welcome a renewed sense of excitement, playfulness and creativity. Surrender any fear of giving and receiving love to the Universe and trust that it is safe for you to express your true feelings and desires. Give yourself time to laugh and play today, as when you smile and have fun, you are uplifting those around you and setting the perfect scene for a romantic experience.

I want to hear from you! How can you bring more passion into your life today?

“Surrender any fear of giving and receiving love to the Universe and trust that it is safe for you to express your true feelings and desires.”


Opening Your Heart

Today’s message is about opening your heart. I feel now is a perfect time to get in touch with your passion. So many of us go through life feeling we are missing something, there is a longing for something greater, more intense. Perhaps you are looking for a deeper feeling of connection and love. Often times people search for this connection in romantic relationships and are later disappointed when that initial passion fade and the relationship moves into the next phase. We often put too much pressure and expectation on our partners to fulfill us and keep us completely satisfied, but the true passion you seek can more likely be found in connecting with the Divine Source that is, in truth, Love with a capital L.

When you connect with Source in its purest form you will feel a love so great you will never want to distance yourself from it ever again. By practicing meditation daily you are giving yourself the gift of being still and quieting your mind and the reward is a deep sense of bliss, belonging and peace. Every time you connect with the Divine you are reminded of your own origin and the reason you are here on Earth; to experience, teach and learn about Love.

I want to hear from you! How can you connect to love today?

“By practicing meditation daily you are giving yourself the gift of being still and quieting your mind and the reward is a deep sense of bliss, belonging and peace.”

“Every time you connect with the Divine you are reminded of your own origin and the reason you are here on Earth; to experience, teach and learn about Love.”


The Ego and Perfection

Do you feel you have to be perfect before you can help or teach others? There really is no thing as the perfectly healed healer. You simply have to start before you’re ready. Trust that the Universe will support and guide you along the way. The ego will always find excuses for you to delay your mission here on Earth. It will engage you in delay tactics, try to convince you that your family/money/work circumstances etc. need to change before you can begin and that you have to be perfect before you can start.

Instead, teach that which you need to learn and you will help others as well as your own soul along the way. What you learn and what you know is meant to be shared. The more of us that wake up to this truth and refuse to give in to the ego’s fear of other people’s opinion, the quicker we will light up the world and find peace. That is the ultimate goal right? To turn our back on fear and embrace love in every aspect of our lives.

In truth, there is only love and you can never be separated from that which you came from. The illusion of separation is only true as long as you don’t see yourself as one with those around you, and of course one with God/Source/the Universe/your Creator. When you remember this fact, that we are all one, you will no longer believe in the illusions and excuses of the ego.

It’s time to share your gifts with the world, don’t hide your light, instead shine even brighter and let this inspire and uplift those around you.

I want to hear from you! What is something you want to share with the world?

“Teach that which you need to learn and you will help others as well as your own soul along the way.”

el4 the more you

What are you thankful for in your life?

It’s worth reflecting on every day. Gratitude is a beautiful, and important, thing to teach our children as well. If you have kids, every night as they go to bed, ask them to list five things they are thankful for that day. It’s amazing the answers you will hear. Also, if things come up that they are not so happy about, maybe ask them to give their worries and concerns to the angels before they fall asleep and assure them the angels will be working on a solution for them.

I have been keeping a gratitude journal for a long time and every night before I fall asleep I try to list at least 10 things in my life that I am grateful for. And it really is true, the more you appreciate what you already have, the more good things the Universe will provide, that’s how the law of attraction works!

What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked the Universe for yesterday? It’s a very powerful question and a great reminder to practice gratitude regularly and count your blessings.

What are you thankful for in your life?