
The Centers of Our Spiritual Power

Most of you are familiar with the chakras. Chakras are energy centres of spiritual power within the human body. The word ‘chakra’ comes from the Sanskrit word for wheel or circle. Today we are again reminded to focus on love. The Universe wants you to know that it’s safe for you to open your heart to giving and receiving love, trust that you are protected and guided.

There are different ways to help this process and one thing you can do is to picture yourself surrounded by a cocoon of pink light. Another effective method for opening your heart chakra is to surround yourself with the fragrance of pink roses or pure rose essential oil. You can also try wearing a rose quartz crystal over your heart or simply focus your intentions on love.

The peace and joy we all seek can be easily achieved in minutes by quieting the mind and spending some time in meditation, connecting with Source, who is in truth LOVE.

I want to hear from you! How do you keep your heart open?

“The Universe wants you to know that it’s safe for you to open your heart to giving and receiving love, trust that you are protected and guided always.”

“The peace and joy we all seek can be easily achieved in minutes by quieting the mind and spending some time in meditation, connecting with Source, who is in truth LOVE.”


Life Purpose

I wanted to talk about Life Purpose today. Your unique purpose is very much needed in this world and no one else but you can complete what you came here to do so there is no competition in truth, everyone is equally needed. This is a reminder for you to step up and make a commitment to your goals and desires. You do deserve the life of your dreams, keep moving forward towards your bliss and know that you are guided and supported always.

I want to hear from you! What do you secretly dream of?

“You do deserve the life of your dreams, keep moving forward towards your bliss and know that you are guided and supported always.”


Cycles and Rhythms

I wanted to discuss cycles and rhythms today. I feel it’s time for you to take a break and get some rest. It’s okay to do nothing sometimes and it’s often after such a pause that we become even more productive when we return. Everything in the Universe works in cycles, and so does your energy levels. Don’t be so hard on yourself, make sure you get enough sleep, maybe make time for a yoga class or just sit in stillness and meditate for 15 minutes. Everything will still be there when you return.

I want to hear from you! How will you spend your much-needed and well-deserved ‘time off’ today?

“Everything in the Universe works in cycles, and so does your energy levels. Don’t be so hard on yourself, take a break when you need to.”


Know that you are supported

Please know that whatever problem you are facing, there is always trustworthy support and guidance around you, 24/7. You are surrounded by angels, especially during difficult times in your life, even if you find this hard to believe.

Call on them for help as they need your permission to interfere because of the law of free will. When you invite them into your life, be sure to listen to the messages you receive and then act on that guidance. The angels communicate with us in many different ways, some people get messages through visions others through a voice in their mind. Some get a deep inner knowing while others get strong gut feelings as signs their prayers have been heard.

Whichever way the angels communicate with you, know that each prayer is always heard and answered, sometimes in ways you didn’t expect so keep an open mind and trust in the messages you receive. And remember that this works even if you don’t believe in angels.

I want to hear from you! How do you receive messages from the Divine?


Speak to yourself

I wanted to talk about morning affirmations today. I would encourage you to try this, start your day by saying positive affirmations. This has been part of my morning ritual for many years now and it truly makes a difference in how you feel for the rest of the day.

The unconscious mind is very receptive just upon awakening, as well as after a meditation or as we drift off to sleep. This makes these specific times the perfect opportunity to influence your subconscious mind and bring your desires into physical form.

Instead of opening your email or checking social media the first thing you do after switching off your alarm in the morning, try saying some positive affirmations, either quietly in your mind, out loud to yourself or another extremely powerful method is to record your own voice saying these affirmations. Then you could even listen to them while getting ready. There are also excellent affirmation apps you can use.

It may sound silly the first time you do it but trust me, magical shifts will occur once you make this a part your daily practice… What is your favorite affirmation? I love Louise Hay’s “All is well in my world”.

I want to hear from you! What is your favorite affirmation?


Getting clear on what you want

Today’s message is all about getting clear about what you want in your life and what you don’t.
Setting clear intentions and asking for what you want is crucial when it comes to reaching your desired outcome. Often times we are unclear or keep changing our minds and this makes it more difficult for the Universe to deliver and support our dreams and bring our desires into physical form.
When setting goals it’s beneficial to be as specific and detailed as possible while at the same time detaching from the outcome to allow the best possible result. It’s a fine line, on the one hand you need to get clear on what you desire while still letting go of the need to control the outcome…
Often times the Universe has far greater things in mind for you and as long as you remain open and receptive, knowing you deserve the very best, you can be sure to achieve success.
I want to hear from you! What is one decision you can make today so you can move forward with ease?

Do you feel your heart’s desires?

As soon as you get clear about what you want and stay open to receiving knowing you deserve your heart’s true desires, they will rush to your side.

Please know that you are not a victim to outside circumstances or even your past. You are free to create the life of your dreams and the Universe is standing by waiting for you to ask for help to reach your goals and bring your dreams into reality.

Spend some time in meditation today listening to your inner voice, contemplating your heart’s true desires and release any fear around receiving. You deserve the best, as we all do.

I want to hear from you! What do you desire?


Focusing on our Intention

I wanted to discuss the importance of focusing our intention on what we want in our lives in order to create the reality we wish to experience.

So often we are unclear on what we want and this makes it difficult for the Universe to bring our desires to us. If you keep changing your mind or are vague about your needs, you will find it takes much longer to manifest your dreams.

It’s time to plant those seeds and prepare yourself to openly receive, knowing you deserve to have your wishes fulfilled. It’s important to realize that sometimes you may not get the desired results straight away but please know that Universe is working behind the scenes for you and your wish will be fulfilled at just the right time, have trust in divine timing and know that everything is happening exactly when it’s supposed to with divine blessings for everyone involved.

Stay focused and positive and you will receive your reward. No prayer ever goes unanswered so be open to whichever way the Universe will deliver the answer, sometimes it may come in a form you did not expect.

Visualization and affirmation work will also be very beneficial in the manifestation process as this clearly tells the Universe what you desire and this in turn speeds up the process.

If you can allow yourself to feel with all your emotions what it would feel like to have your wishes fulfilled, you will bring your manifestations into reality even quicker.

I want to hear from you! What is something you manifested in your life recently?


The Basics of Manifesting

So many people ask me about manifesting and how to do it. It’s really very simple and we are all born with the ability to manifest whatever we want in life.

Let’s talk about how you can manifest your dreams and bring your desires into physical form.

Sometimes when you ask the Universe for something you have to consider the element of divine timing; you have been heard and Heaven is working behind the scenes to help you. This is the time to have patience, trust and let go, to detach from the outcome.

Release the need to control or force things to happen. When we stay centered in faith and gratitude, we allow the Universe to bring us what we’ve asked for. Sometimes it’s simply a matter of divine timing. Know that all the details are taken care of, stay optimistic and trust that everything is working out exactly as it’s supposed to with blessings for everyone involved.

Ask the Universe for a sign that your manifestations are on their way and you can rest assured you are being looked after. Apart from having a clear vision, another very effective way to quickly manifest your desires is to imagine what it would feel like if your desired outcome was already here now.

Allow yourself to really experience the feeling of having received what you asked for.

Another important element is to be open to receiving, this means to know in your heart that you deserve to receive.

I want to hear from you! What is one thing you are wanting to manifest in your life right now?

If you want more help manifesting – sign up for the 5 steps on the right —>


Be specific, but not expectant

When trying to manifest something, it is important to be specific about what you want, and not keep changing your mind as this can slow down the desired outcome.

While this is true, another important aspect is letting go. It is so important not to outline or give the Universe a script of exactly how you want your desired outcome to be delivered to you. Instead, stay open to receiving and know that you deserve that which you asked for but also allow yourself to be open to whichever way the Universe will deliver this to you.

Often times the Universe has far greater ideas for us than we could ever imagine and therefore it is best to stay open to all possibilities. When it comes to ‘letting go’ and detach from the outcome, I have been taught that it’s a little bit like mailing a letter, you have to let go of the letter so that it can be delivered to the recipient. The same thing goes for your manifestations.

Another favourite example is if you order something in a restaurant, you won’t keep checking on the waiter to see if your order will be delivered, you trust that you will get what you asked for. It’s a fine balance when it comes to manifesting, be specific and focus your intention but be prepared to let go, trust and detach from outcome.

Also, remember that the quickest way to manifest your desires is to really feel what it would be like if your wishes were already here, allow yourself to immerse in all the emotions you expect to feel when your dream is fulfilled and you will draw that experience to you even faster.

I want to hear from you! What is one thing you would like to manifest right now?