
Acts of Courage

Today I wanted to talk a bit about courage, having confidence and standing up for your beliefs. When you do so, you will inspire others to do the same. It’s not always easy speaking up or taking a stand, especially if you feel like you’re the only one doing so or if others are disagreeing. Please know that you are safe and supported and that it will be worth it, even if you can’t see the results of your efforts right away.

I encourage you to stand up for your convictions, speak your truth and continue to be a role model to those around you. You also have the opportunity to be the voice of someone who can’t speak for themselves. Perhaps you are a vegan or vegetarian and by choosing not to eat meat you help the animals who can’t speak up against the mistreatment in the food industry. Or maybe you support a charity that helps children who suffer from war or other cruelties. Maybe you chose organic, fair trade fashion and thereby support the Earth as well as the workers involved.

There are so many little acts of courage you can do, please go ahead and act with integrity and speak your truth today.

I want to hear from you! How do you show personal courage?

“When you stand up for yourself, you inspire others to do the same.”



Releasing anger

I wanted to talk to you about the importance of releasing anger. Often times we can hang on to anger or unforgiveness towards a person, not realizing that we’re only hurting ourselves by hanging on to this toxic emotion. Imagine looking at the situation from the perspective of your higher self and try to see the other person through the eyes of your true self. When you look past the ego, your own and other people’s, you will see the person’s true self and this will make it easier to respond to the situation with peace and love.

I want to hear from you! Who can you forgive today?

“When you look past the ego, your own and other people’s, you will see the person’s true self”



I wanted to talk to you about forgiveness today. Perhaps you have a parent-child relationship that is in need of healing and attention. I would suggest you do a little forgiveness meditation for yourself and each member of your immediate family. You can simply use the words “I love you, I forgive you, and I set us both free”. Say this quietly in your mind, one time for each family member and I guarantee you will experience major shifts. Forgiveness doesn’t mean you say that what the other person did was okay, it simply means you are no longer willing to hold onto the pain that the anger and unforgiveness is causing you, as it’s only hurting you not them.

I want to hear from you! How has forgiveness helped you?

“Forgiveness doesn’t mean you say that what the other person did was okay, it simply means you are no longer willing to hold onto the pain that the anger and unforgiveness is causing you, as it’s only hurting you not them.”


Are you open to receiving love?

Today’s message is all about being open to receiving love, in all forms and in every area of your life. This is a reminder for us all to reawaken our passion for life itself, to fall back in love with ourselves, our work, hobbies, projects, family and friends. Welcome romance back into your life and allow yourself to feel all the feelings you’ve been holding back on due to lack of time or energy. Now is the time to open your heart fully and share that love with those around you.

I want to hear from you! What does your heart tell you today?

“Now is the time to open your heart fully and share that love with those around you.”


Emotional healing

Let’s talk about emotional healing, the need to release anger and resentment. It is safe for you to open your heart, to let go of any emotional pain you’ve been holding on to and to release that which you know longer need.

I want to hear from you! Is there anything in your life that is no longer serving you? Ask the Universe to help you release it and it is done.

“It is safe for you to open your heart, to let go of any emotional pain you’ve been holding on to and to release that which you know longer need.”


Finding your soulmate

I wanted to return to the subject of finding your soulmate. Calling on the romance angels and talking to your future soul mate’s guardian angels might sounds crazy but it’s an extremely effective way to bring the two of you together, even if you don’t believe in angels! Say a prayer to the Universe and make sure to follow any guidance you receive, even if it doesn’t make sense to you at first or even seems related to you finding your new partner.

Heaven often has much higher standards for you than you might hold for yourself, be open to all opportunities and try to keep an open mind, this person might not be like the people you’ve dated before and there could be a very good reason for that.

You can also call on the romance angels when you feel the need for more passion in your everyday life, whether you are in a relationship or not. By doing so they can help you reignite the spark with a longtime partner or make you excited about your job again or an old project you’ve been putting off.

I want to hear from you! Which area of your life could use some more passion?

“Calling on the romance angels and talking to your future soul mate’s guardian angels might sounds crazy but it’s an extremely effective way to bring the two of you together, even if you don’t believe in angels!”


Illusions and Love

Today we are asked to look past the illusion and see only the love within each person, including yourself. Try to see things from your higher self’s standpoint. When you look at people through the eyes of your spirit you will see only the other person’s true nature, which is love. It’s like turning on a light and the darkness instantly disappears.

Ask the Universe for help to see the other person’s higher self, look past the ego personality and see their true nature. It will be much easier to understand, forgive and release any anger towards the other person when you focus on love instead of fear.

Be sure to do this for yourself as well. So often we forget to treat ourselves with the same love and respect we show others. Be kind to you today and know that by nurturing yourself and your needs you are not only being a good role model to others but you also have more available to give to others.

I want to hear from you! What is one way you can nurture yourself today?

“By nurturing yourself and your needs you are not only being a good role model to others, you also have more available to give to others.”


Soul Love

Following up on my previous post about soul love, I wanted to share with you something that really works when looking for a soul mate relationship.

To begin with you need to be very clear on what it is that you want, the more specific you can be the better. It’s important that you write this down, think of it as an order to the Universe if you will. The more details you can provide the better. It’s always better to focus on the positives and what it is that you do want instead of the characteristics you wish to avoid. For example, it’s better to write “I want my partner to be fit and healthy” rather than “I don’t want him/her to be a smoker”.

Always end this ‘wish list’ with ‘”This or something better” as the Universe often have much bigger and better plans for us than what we can even imagine. There is no need to limit yourself, be honest and express your true desires, no-one else needs to see this list. The next step is to be open to receiving and knowing that you deserve the best. Detach from the outcome and let go.

Know that your soul mate is looking for you as much as you are looking for him/her, let go of all worries or the need to push and “make” it happen yourself. Sometimes when we strive or push too hard we block ourselves from receiving. Release it to the Universe and trust that your prayers will be answered.

Another way is to also write a letter to your future partner, one that you will never send. Pour your heart out in this letter, share your feelings and tell him/her how much you are looking forward to your union with your soul mate. This may sound crazy or at least really silly, but it works!

I want to hear from you! Have you found your soul mate?

“Always end your manifestation prayers with ‘”This or something better”, as the Universe often has much bigger and better plans for us than what we can even imagine.”


On Relationships

If you are looking for the love of your life, your soul mate or your twin flame, then this post is for you. We all have many soul mates and there is no reason to worry that you will never meet the “right” person for you or that you’ve missed an opportunity. When one door closes another one opens. As you know, worry never helps anything, but prayer always does, ask the Universe for help with preparing you for your new love.

All relationships serve a purpose and teach us lessons. Therefore, no partner is better than another, they are all learning experiences that help us understand ourselves better and teach us important life lessons. This means that no break-up or separation is a mistake in truth. We grow from each encounter and this prepares us for the next step on our journey. With each experience, no matter how hurtful, we learn something and afterwards we actually have a better picture of what it is we really want, or don’t want, in a partner.

Be grateful for all your relationships, give thanks for the lessons you’ve learned, bless your past partners and most importantly – forgive everyone. Forgiving doesn’t mean you say that what the other person did was right, it simply means you are no longer willing to carry the pain and resentment that in truth only hurts you, not the other person.

Releasing our ex’s is an important step in finding new love and in my next post, I will share some other practical tips on how to attract a perfect partner.

I want to hear from you! Have you experienced soul mate love?

“Worry never helps anything, but prayer always does.”


Life Purpose

I wanted to talk about Life Purpose today. Your unique purpose is very much needed in this world and no one else but you can complete what you came here to do so there is no competition in truth, everyone is equally needed. This is a reminder for you to step up and make a commitment to your goals and desires. You do deserve the life of your dreams, keep moving forward towards your bliss and know that you are guided and supported always.

I want to hear from you! What do you secretly dream of?

“You do deserve the life of your dreams, keep moving forward towards your bliss and know that you are guided and supported always.”