Making change…

Today’s message is about choosing healthful foods, getting enough sleep and taking the time to exercise. I know it sounds boring but please keep reading. So many of us, myself included, resist the guidance we receive, especially when our intuition is telling us to exercise or change our diet. This doesn’t mean we are asked to take away all our fun, it’s actually quite the opposite, your higher self can see exactly what your life would look like if you were to let go of unhealthful addictions and bad habits.
We can actually have a life beyond our wildest dreams if we are only willing to make small changes to how we treat our bodies. This is especially true when it comes to addictions. There is no need to go cold turkey if that is too overwhelming for you, just making small changes to your diet or adding a few minutes of exercise each day can make a huge difference in your overall wellbeing. Often when we pray for guidance about other areas of our lives, we are guided to take the time to exercise, move and stretch our bodies.
A lot of us don’t see how this can possibly be the answer to our prayers so we ignore the guidance we receive and think that our prayers go unanswered. If we instead listen to our intuition we will find that just by making small improvements to our daily routine, we will free up so much new energy and come up with solutions to problems just by moving our bodies and breathing deeply. I would suggest that instead of feeling you have to take things out of your diet completely or quit a habit straight away, try to add something healthy, like a green juice every morning. By continually making small positive changes and slowly adding new, healthy habits you will find it much easier to let go of what no longer serves you.
I want to hear from you! What positive changes can you make today?
“By continually making small positive changes and slowly adding new, healthy habits to your daily routine you will find it much easier to let go of what no longer serves you.”