
Ask the Universe for help

I wanted to talk to you about abundance and financial flow today. I encourage you to ask the Universe for help and trust that you are being helped with finances always, all you need to do is ask.

I love one of Louise Hay’s affirmations: “My income is always increasing”. So simple, yet so profound if practiced daily. Trust that any blocks can be lifted and you are now given the opportunity to enjoy prosperity and financial flow.

Know that abundance is your birthright in spiritual truth and by believing in an abundant Universe and knowing you deserve to receive good, you will open up the gates to receiving. This is also a reminder to keep your thoughts about finances positive and visualize greater wealth coming your way.

By affirming in the present moment and expressing gratitude that what you desire it is already yours, you will bring your manifestations into reality even faster. This of course applies to all aspects of prosperity, not just money.

I want to hear from you! What do you desire?