
Every day is a new start

Every day is a chance for your to start anew.

In the past, change has always frightened me somewhat, I have felt afraid of the unknown and often wanted things to stay the same so that I could feel safe knowing what to expect. At the same time, I have always pushed myself to overcome this, to face my fears and I am now living a life that is constantly evolving and changing and I love it.

Sticking to a routine might sometimes give you a false sense of security, if you keep doing what you’ve always been doing you will keep seeing the same results and unless you are perfectly happy with everything in your life right now you would probably benefit from some positive changes.

Let’s all embrace change today and know that we are being guided and supported along the way.

This a famous quote by Sheldon Kopp that always makes me smile: “I have never begun any important venture for which I felt adequately prepared”.

I believe the key to success is to start before you’re ready, bite off more than you can chew and then go do it! Small action steps, even one tiny baby-step at a time, will lead you to your goals and the realization of your dreams.

I want to hear from you! What is one thing you can do today that you’ve been putting off because of fear?


The Universe has big plans for you

Trust that the Universe has a much bigger plan for you than you can ever imagine.

Know that even though things may feel tough right now, you are exactly where you need to be at this moment. Heaven is working behind the scenes on your behalf and your prayers have been heard. Keep the faith and know that the Universe always has a solution and much bigger plans in store for you than you can see right now.

If you feel inclined, call on the Archangel Michael for extra strength, courage and support or lean into Mother Mary’s gentle and nurturing embrace for comfort in times of need. You can do this regardless of religion, this work is 100 % non-denominational.

You are never alone and there is always angelic support available to you 24/7, it really doesn’t matter if you believe in this stuff or not.

I want to hear from you! What do you need help with right now?


Intuition guides your journey

It is so important to trust your gut instinct and follow your intuition in life, and also in business.

Think about a project or business idea you’ve been considering, maybe this post is a positive sign about your career prospect. Maybe the time is right to go ahead and act on that inspired idea you have. You were given these ideas to do them and you have all the resources available to you to make them come into fruition. You are always given the right set of tools to succeed with your mission here on Earth.

Trust that you will be helped along the way. Often times we are not shown the end result straight away, instead we are guided each step of the way. When you complete step A, you will be shown step B and so on.

Know that the Universe has your back, every step of the way and that you are supported, protected and guided throughout your journey.

I want to hear from you! Do you have a business idea you would like to explore?


Reflect before jumping in

Winter represents a time of reflection, transition and release and this is the perfect time of the year to let the old go and welcome the newness of spring and the upcoming summer.

I encourage you to take some quiet time alone to reflect upon your current situation, now is not necessarily the time for action but instead the ideal moment to stop and look at the options at hand before making a decision. Allow yourself the luxury to just be and release the need to force something to happen.

Sometimes things need time to germinate before they can come into full bloom and perhaps the circumstances are not yet right.

Practice patience, faith and trust and know that you are being helped behind the scenes. Take a moment to look inward and listen to your own inner guidance system before moving into action. Instead, enjoy this moment of rest and trust in Divine timing.

I want to hear from you! How will you take some time out today?


Guidance will show you opportunity

Are you thinking about taking the next step with your business idea?

Magical and miraculous business opportunities are available to you when you remain open to the guidance surrounding you always.

Listen to your intuition and follow the divinely inspired ideas you receive by taking human actions steps in the direction of your dreams and you will succeed.

I want to hear from you! What would you like to create?