
Be specific, but not expectant

When trying to manifest something, it is important to be specific about what you want, and not keep changing your mind as this can slow down the desired outcome.

While this is true, another important aspect is letting go. It is so important not to outline or give the Universe a script of exactly how you want your desired outcome to be delivered to you. Instead, stay open to receiving and know that you deserve that which you asked for but also allow yourself to be open to whichever way the Universe will deliver this to you.

Often times the Universe has far greater ideas for us than we could ever imagine and therefore it is best to stay open to all possibilities. When it comes to ‘letting go’ and detach from the outcome, I have been taught that it’s a little bit like mailing a letter, you have to let go of the letter so that it can be delivered to the recipient. The same thing goes for your manifestations.

Another favourite example is if you order something in a restaurant, you won’t keep checking on the waiter to see if your order will be delivered, you trust that you will get what you asked for. It’s a fine balance when it comes to manifesting, be specific and focus your intention but be prepared to let go, trust and detach from outcome.

Also, remember that the quickest way to manifest your desires is to really feel what it would be like if your wishes were already here, allow yourself to immerse in all the emotions you expect to feel when your dream is fulfilled and you will draw that experience to you even faster.

I want to hear from you! What is one thing you would like to manifest right now?


Is it time to say good-bye?

Is it time to say good-bye to the old and hello to the new?

We all need a reminder sometimes, a gentle push in the right direction. If you’ve slipped of late, try not to be too hard on yourself, instead know that each day is an opportunity to choose again. Shame and guilt are such low frequency feelings and they will actually bring to you that which you do not want. Instead, to attract that which you do want in your life, stay positive and keep your mind focused on the desired outcome.

When manifesting it is crucial that you are very clear on what it is that you wish you create. Be as specific and detailed as possible. If you keep changing your mind or are unsure of what you truly desire it will slow down the process.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you don’t always need to ask for material things, often times it’s better to ask the Universe to bring you a state of being, like peace or happiness. My overall goal is ‘happiness’ and by keeping my mind focused on that outcome I will attract circumstances, people and things to make that a reality.

If you’re having problems manifesting your goals make sure you’re not using self-sabotage like thinking you are not worthy or deserving of that which you are asking for. Another common misunderstanding is that all you need to do is make a wish and then sit back and wait for it to appear without you doing anything. The way the Universe works is that you will be given certain tasks, guided action steps you need to take and instructions you need to follow in order for your manifestation to appear in physical form in your life.

There is no need to feel overwhelmed, you will be guided and supported and once you complete one step you will be shown the next, and so on. If you find it difficult to hear your guidance, ask for a sign that you are hearing the messages correctly. This is a good time to get that project started, write that book or article, call that contact or take that course – the world needs you.

I like to end my manifesting prayers with “This or something better God”, it is important to let go of outcome and trust the process. The Universe often has far greater plans for you than you could ever imagine. It’s a fine balance when it comes to manifesting, be specific and focus your intention but be prepared to let go, trust and detach from outcome.

I want to hear from you! What messages have you been receiving from the Universe lately?


Use your magic

You can change your life and create your own reality, nothing is set in stone and you do have the power over your future. Each moment is a chance for you to create anew and you needn’t hold back or be discouraged by illusions that you’re not in charge of your life.

Use your inherent and Divine magic to create a new and higher vision for yourself. There is no limit to what you can achieve, ask for guidance and trust the messages you receive.

By taking these divinely inspired action steps you are working towards your dreams one step at a time and you will succeed.

I want to hear from you! What is one action step you can take today in the direction of your dreams?


Let go of the anxiety

The worry habit. We all do it.

Trust that everything is going to be fine and try to let go of any worry you hang on to. When you worry you send out worry energy into the future and this projection of fear can create the exact thing you wish to avoid. A better way would be to affirm a positive outcome and visualize the perfect scenario instead.

The universal law of attraction will bring to you that which you focus your energy and attention on, so make sure you are choosing your thoughts with care today and try to use only loving and positive words when you speak. This especially relates to your own self-talk as this is when you are most likely to be negative or judgmental. Try to be kind and gentle with yourself today, treat yourself like you would your best friend, because indeed you deserve to be met with the highest respect and loving kindness.

This also relates to the concept of abundance, whether you need more money, time, knowledge or opportunity. Instead of worrying about lack or scarcity, pray for help and you will feel an instant relief because worry never helps anything but prayer always does.

It doesn’t matter who you turn to, some people call this higher power ‘God’, other refer to It as ‘Source’ or the ‘Universe’, it simply doesn’t matter, what matters is that you release your anxiety, and trust that there is a power far greater than yourself, always ready to step in and help you with anything you need.

I want to hear from you! What is one worry you can let go of today?


Dealing with the unexpected

I just wanted to share with you something that I need to really work on myself. How to react, or respond, when things don’t turn out the way we plan, when last minute events come up that change your whole day around. I’ll admit I do like to plan and organise my time.

When things come up that force me to change my schedule on short notice I get really stressed. Here’s an example from my life. I had the whole day planned out in minute detail, I had a clear picture in my mind of what my perfect day would look like. Then my oldest son Theo needed to stay at home with me as he woke up with fever. My first reaction was to go into stress mode and panic – “how am I going to get everything done, will I have to disappoint people by cancelling appointments” etc. After an hour or so I did however calm down and remembered that everything really is perfect just the way it is.

So instead I asked myself, “if I am forced to stay at home today, what good can come from that?” It turned out this would result in a lot of positive things actually. Apart from the fact I got some quality time with my son, I had time to catch up on admin, write, prepare for other meetings and meditate while he was sleeping – all in just a couple of hours!

Turns out I still got a lot of things done and even though it wasn’t exactly what I had planned for it still worked out fine. When you remain flexible, accept your situation, surrender and trust that you’re always exactly where you need to be, at the perfect time, the stress will begin to dissipate. I wish you all a beautiful day, come what may.

I want to hear from you! How do you react to last minute changes?


Now is the time

Now is the time to plant the seeds of your desires. Take the time to set goals, make a new vision board, write down your dreams and desires in a letter to the Universe. Let Heaven know what you want, ask for help and don’t be afraid to dream big.

Remember that health, wealth, love, happiness, abundance, creative self-expression and more, is all within reach, as long as you believe that it is possible – and that you deserve it. Look around you and notice all the blessings already in your life at this present moment, the more you focus on gratitude, the more you will attract things to be grateful for.

Choose happiness and the Universe will provide you with endless reasons to be happy, choose to be at peace and you will be surrounded by kindness and tranquility. That’s how the law of attraction works, what you focus upon grows and you bring into your reality that which you think about.

Your thoughts create your life so make sure you choose love instead of fear, peace instead of worry and happiness instead of anger. Maybe it’s time to start a new project, a new beginning, a fresh start that will lead you down a new exciting path. I wish you every success along the way.

I want to hear from you! What is your number 1 goal this year?


Act on those big dreams…

You know when you get a brilliant idea, but then never act on it? Maybe this is the time to move forward with that dream you’ve had for so long. Ask for, and be willing to receive, the support you need to bring the idea to fruition. Know that the Universe would never put this idea in your mind if you weren’t able to succeed.

I want to hear from you! What is one action step you can take today that will bring you closer to that dream?

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One step at a time moves you forward

Keep going for your dreams, don’t give up. Know that you are guided and supported along the way, all you need to do is ask and then listen to and follow the guidance you receive. You wouldn’t have these dreams and aspirations unless you could achieve them.

The Universe wouldn’t just put all these ideas in your head if you didn’t have what it takes to do it and reach your goals. Your dreams are valid, you do deserve everything you wish for and you have the Universe’s assistance every step of the way.

I want to hear from you! How can you move forward on your dream today?