Opening Your Heart

Today’s message is about opening your heart. I feel now is a perfect time to get in touch with your passion. So many of us go through life feeling we are missing something, there is a longing for something greater, more intense. Perhaps you are looking for a deeper feeling of connection and love. Often times people search for this connection in romantic relationships and are later disappointed when that initial passion fade and the relationship moves into the next phase. We often put too much pressure and expectation on our partners to fulfill us and keep us completely satisfied, but the true passion you seek can more likely be found in connecting with the Divine Source that is, in truth, Love with a capital L.
When you connect with Source in its purest form you will feel a love so great you will never want to distance yourself from it ever again. By practicing meditation daily you are giving yourself the gift of being still and quieting your mind and the reward is a deep sense of bliss, belonging and peace. Every time you connect with the Divine you are reminded of your own origin and the reason you are here on Earth; to experience, teach and learn about Love.
I want to hear from you! How can you connect to love today?
“By practicing meditation daily you are giving yourself the gift of being still and quieting your mind and the reward is a deep sense of bliss, belonging and peace.”
“Every time you connect with the Divine you are reminded of your own origin and the reason you are here on Earth; to experience, teach and learn about Love.”