What are you thankful for in your life?

It’s worth reflecting on every day. Gratitude is a beautiful, and important, thing to teach our children as well. If you have kids, every night as they go to bed, ask them to list five things they are thankful for that day. It’s amazing the answers you will hear. Also, if things come up that they are not so happy about, maybe ask them to give their worries and concerns to the angels before they fall asleep and assure them the angels will be working on a solution for them.
I have been keeping a gratitude journal for a long time and every night before I fall asleep I try to list at least 10 things in my life that I am grateful for. And it really is true, the more you appreciate what you already have, the more good things the Universe will provide, that’s how the law of attraction works!
What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked the Universe for yesterday? It’s a very powerful question and a great reminder to practice gratitude regularly and count your blessings.
What are you thankful for in your life?