
Value yourself and your body

Today’s topic is caring, self-care in particular. So often we don’t take the time to indulge in self-care activities such as going for a massage, yoga class, acupuncture session or even a pedicure. We might think this is a luxury we can’t afford or simply something that is not needed. But it’s so important to value yourself and your body and the better you take care of yourself, the easier it will be for you to care for others. Often times we put everyone else’s needs first and forget about our own and I encourage you to listen to what the flight attendants always tell us before take-off, to put your own oxygen-mask on first, before helping others. Remember, the more you allow yourself to receive, the more you have available to give to others. So many of us are imbalanced in our giving and receiving. Make it your priority to give to yourself today. This can be kind affirmations you recite to yourself in the mirror, a Reiki appointment or just time to meditate. Know that you are Divinely loved and always cared for by Heaven.

I want to hear from you! What is one thing you can do for your own health, happiness and wellbeing today?

“It’s so important to value yourself and your body and the better you take care of yourself, the easier it will be for you to care for others.”


Self-reliance and Empowerment

Today’s message is about self-reliance and empowerment. Now is a perfect time for setting intentions and manifesting your goals. I would like to encourage you to keep going for your dreams and not be distracted by other people’s opinions or negativity. You deserve to have everything you desire and as long as you focus your intentions and take guided action, you will succeed! You don’t need anyone else’s approval to do this, trust your own inner voice and know that you have what it takes to achieve your goals and bring your dreams to life.

I want to hear from you! What are your intentions for this coming week?

“You deserve to have everything you desire and as long as you focus your intentions and take guided action, you will succeed.”


Acts of Self-Love

Lets talk about grace today. This is a reminder to really see your inner beauty, your outer beauty, and also encouraging you to not hide your light from the world. You were made in the image and likeness of the Creator. You are a perfect being of Divine love and light and there is nothing about you that is less than true perfection. Know that you are a beloved child of God, very much needed on this Earth at this time. You, like all others, deserve the very best in life, open your arms to receiving all good that life has to offer and be grateful for all that you have and all that you are.

I want to hear from you! What is one act of self-love you will make time for today?

“Know that you are a beloved child of God, very much needed on this Earth at this time.”