Beloved Mother Mary

I wanted to share a channeled message from our beloved Mother Mary today. So many of us are in need of nurturing at the moment. Many of us are neglecting our inner child and this is a reminder about the importance of self-love. Mother Mary is nondenominational and omnipresent, which means you don’t need to belong to any particular religion to listen to her messages of love and she can be with anyone who calls upon her simultaneously. This is not about religion, I would like to share a universal spiritual message. When we talk about ‘God’ you can also substitute this for ‘the Universe’/’Source’/’Mother Earth’/’Love’, whatever you feel comfortable with. The inspiration for today’s message comes from the ‘Mary Queen of Angels’ oracle cards by Doreen Virtue. I have been working closely with Mother Mary for quite some time now and her energy is amazingly pure and loving. She stands for compassion, nurturing and protection and she’s a wonderful source of wisdom to call upon. As I mentioned above, Mary is nondenominational and omnipresent, you can call on her regardless of your religious background. She has a beautiful and tender motherly energy. Her message for us today is as follows:
“Dear one, from my heavenly perspective I can see only perfection in your future. Please know that you are a Divine creation with God’s perfection in each and every one of your cells. You are God’s creation and therefore you have the same creative power within you. Make sure you put this God-given gift to good use by focusing your time and energy on positive projects that bring joy and peace to both yourself and the world. When you focus your intention on that which makes your heart sing, the joy spreads outwards and greatly benefits those around you. By doing this and also when you focus this high energy on being of service to others and the planet, your efforts are supported hundredfold by the legions of angels surrounding you and supporting you with your much needed purpose here on Earth. Instead of worrying, about your loved ones or the world, focus your energy on taking loving, guided action in relation to your desired outcome. Ask for help to adjust your viewpoint or uplift your energy if necessary. The angels and I will help you find the direction that will lead to safety, peace and health.”
Shared with love.
I want to hear from you! What is your personal connection to Mother Mary?
“Instead of worrying, about your loved ones or the world, focus your energy on taking loving, guided action in relation to your desired outcome.”