You are Divine perfection

As you probably know, I love flowers! My mother is also obsessed with them, as was my beloved grandmother (“- I still am!” she says from Heaven! Apparently there are even more amazing colours and variations there…), in fact, she was even named after a flower.
One of my favorites is the pink rose and I wanted to share with you a bit about their healing effects. The message from the pink rose is for all of us to remember our Divine perfection. You were made in the image and likeness of your Creator and when you let your inner light shine brightly you inspire others to do the same. The world needs your light, so don’t hold back but instead share your gifts with the world. You, like each flower blossom, each petal, are unique and no one can offer what you came here to share with the world. Let your inner beauty shine.
I want to hear from you! What is your favorite flower?
“The world needs your light, so don’t hold back but instead share your gifts with the world.”