Passion and Purpose

Let’s talk about Life Purpose today. I love being able to do what I do and am passionate about helping others find their purpose too. Writing and teaching has always been what I enjoy most, ever since I was a little girl I wanted to be a teacher and for as long as I can remember I’ve been writing stories, articles and now I’m working on my first book. I have always been scared of taking my work to the public, since it’s so personal, but I’ve promised myself to stop procrastinating with my writing. Being able to do what I love brings me immense joy and happiness and it is my goal to assist others in finding their bliss and true calling.
I want to hear from you! What is your passion?
As we’ve talked about before, you all have important gifts to share with the world. You have healing abilities and sometimes you just take them for granted and use them without reflecting upon them, which of course is perfectly fine, but if you knew how much guidance and reassurance you actually bring to people, just by being you, you might consider taking these abilities one step further, to the next level, and in turn help more people. This could be an indication that counselling others is a big part of your life purpose. The world needs more healers and with counselling you heal through words. Do friends and family often seek you out for help and advice? Trust you with their secrets and confide in you? Do you find that when you give people your opinion, they really listen and benefit from your input? This is definitely a sign that you have natural counselling abilities that can be used professionally as well, if you choose to.
I want to hear from you! What kind of healing work do you feel drawn to?
“You have important gifts to share with the world.