Illusions and Love

Today we are asked to look past the illusion and see only the love within each person, including yourself. Try to see things from your higher self’s standpoint. When you look at people through the eyes of your spirit you will see only the other person’s true nature, which is love. It’s like turning on a light and the darkness instantly disappears.
Ask the Universe for help to see the other person’s higher self, look past the ego personality and see their true nature. It will be much easier to understand, forgive and release any anger towards the other person when you focus on love instead of fear.
Be sure to do this for yourself as well. So often we forget to treat ourselves with the same love and respect we show others. Be kind to you today and know that by nurturing yourself and your needs you are not only being a good role model to others but you also have more available to give to others.
I want to hear from you! What is one way you can nurture yourself today?
“By nurturing yourself and your needs you are not only being a good role model to others, you also have more available to give to others.”