Is it a sign?

Have you been struggling with a decision lately or has a question been lingering in your mind for a while? Well, maybe this post is the confirmation you need to move forward, only you will know.
Often times we ask ourselves, “Is this a sign?” and I can assure you that almost every time you ask yourself that question, the answer is yes, it is a sign from Heaven. When you feel the need for assistance, the first step is always to ask for guidance, if you find it difficult to hear the messages you receive ask the Universe to then give you a clear sign in the physical world that you can easily notice and understand. Then, once you receive this, take guided action accordingly.
So maybe this post is your sign today that it’s OK to go ahead, say yes to that project, take that class or apply for that job! Ask for strength and courage and you will be supported every step of the way.
I want to hear from you! What signs have you received lately?