Let go of the anxiety

The worry habit. We all do it.
Trust that everything is going to be fine and try to let go of any worry you hang on to. When you worry you send out worry energy into the future and this projection of fear can create the exact thing you wish to avoid. A better way would be to affirm a positive outcome and visualize the perfect scenario instead.
The universal law of attraction will bring to you that which you focus your energy and attention on, so make sure you are choosing your thoughts with care today and try to use only loving and positive words when you speak. This especially relates to your own self-talk as this is when you are most likely to be negative or judgmental. Try to be kind and gentle with yourself today, treat yourself like you would your best friend, because indeed you deserve to be met with the highest respect and loving kindness.
This also relates to the concept of abundance, whether you need more money, time, knowledge or opportunity. Instead of worrying about lack or scarcity, pray for help and you will feel an instant relief because worry never helps anything but prayer always does.
It doesn’t matter who you turn to, some people call this higher power ‘God’, other refer to It as ‘Source’ or the ‘Universe’, it simply doesn’t matter, what matters is that you release your anxiety, and trust that there is a power far greater than yourself, always ready to step in and help you with anything you need.
I want to hear from you! What is one worry you can let go of today?