Is it time to say good-bye?

Is it time to say good-bye to the old and hello to the new?
We all need a reminder sometimes, a gentle push in the right direction. If you’ve slipped of late, try not to be too hard on yourself, instead know that each day is an opportunity to choose again. Shame and guilt are such low frequency feelings and they will actually bring to you that which you do not want. Instead, to attract that which you do want in your life, stay positive and keep your mind focused on the desired outcome.
When manifesting it is crucial that you are very clear on what it is that you wish you create. Be as specific and detailed as possible. If you keep changing your mind or are unsure of what you truly desire it will slow down the process.
Another thing to keep in mind is that you don’t always need to ask for material things, often times it’s better to ask the Universe to bring you a state of being, like peace or happiness. My overall goal is ‘happiness’ and by keeping my mind focused on that outcome I will attract circumstances, people and things to make that a reality.
If you’re having problems manifesting your goals make sure you’re not using self-sabotage like thinking you are not worthy or deserving of that which you are asking for. Another common misunderstanding is that all you need to do is make a wish and then sit back and wait for it to appear without you doing anything. The way the Universe works is that you will be given certain tasks, guided action steps you need to take and instructions you need to follow in order for your manifestation to appear in physical form in your life.
There is no need to feel overwhelmed, you will be guided and supported and once you complete one step you will be shown the next, and so on. If you find it difficult to hear your guidance, ask for a sign that you are hearing the messages correctly. This is a good time to get that project started, write that book or article, call that contact or take that course – the world needs you.
I like to end my manifesting prayers with “This or something better God”, it is important to let go of outcome and trust the process. The Universe often has far greater plans for you than you could ever imagine. It’s a fine balance when it comes to manifesting, be specific and focus your intention but be prepared to let go, trust and detach from outcome.
I want to hear from you! What messages have you been receiving from the Universe lately?