Bad days happen and you’re still being cared for

Having a bad day?
Know you are being helped. Trust that things are being worked on behind the scenes, even if you don’t see the results in your life just yet. Trust that your prayers are always heard and answered, sometimes in ways you may not expect.
Try to remain open to endless possibilities and to receiving an outcome you may not have expected or specifically asked for. The Universe has much bigger plans for you than you could ever imagine, just know that you deserve to receive, and it will be given to you.
When you detach from the outcome and release your dreams and desires to the Universe, you will be supported. The process of letting go is the key to manifestation and the more you practice trust, the quicker your wishes and desires will be delivered to you. Stay focused on faith and gratitude today.
I want to hear from you! What is one worry you can let go of today?