Are you being guided?

I would like to challenge you to be completely honest with yourself and decide what you do want in your life, and what you don’t want. Have you felt guided to make changes in your life lately, maybe change your diet, detox your relationships, give up sugar or start exercising?
This sort of guidance is often easy to ignore as it makes us feel like we are being deprived of something we enjoy. The truth is though, that by ignoring these messages you will probably find yourself feeling anxious, stuck, unmotivated or even depressed. Whether you have felt guided to surround yourself with more positive people, detox from unhealthy foods or stop gossiping, the Universe is not trying to take away your fun but rather improve your life in ways you can’t even imagine.
Your higher self can see your full potential and also what is standing in the way of you living your best life. Take some time today to really listen to those messages and think about what guidance you have been repeatedly hearing but ignoring until now. I suggest you give it a try and I am sure you will see such positive results you won’t miss your old habits at all.
I want to hear from you! What guidance have you been receiving lately?