
Love yourself

It is an intense time energetically right now. If you’ve been feeling down lately or just a bit “off”, it is very likely you’ve been affected by outside influences. This is a reminder that things will improve, especially if you’ve been experiencing difficulties in relationships, maybe you’ve been fighting with your spouse for no apparent reason or had misunderstandings in other relationships at home or at work. Try to look at the situation through the eyes of your spirit, see the other person’s higher self and know that in spiritual truth, there is no real conflict, just bruised egos. Stay focused on love and know that this will bring the situation to a speedy end.

I want to hear from you! How are you being kind to yourself today?

“Stay focused on love and know that this will bring the situation to a speedy end.”



Opening your third eye

I wanted to talk about intuition today, and about opening your third eye. It is safe for you to trust your visions and follow the guidance you receive as these are accurate messages from the Universe.

I always tell my clients that ‘everyone is psychic’ and this is so true. It’s all about trusting the messages you receive. I have always been sensitive to energies but it took me many years and countless classes and books to realize that I could fully trust my intuition, I didn’t need an outside source, it was all within me. It was only recently when my angels told me I really don’t need yet another certification or course to do this work, that it’s time for me to go out and put all this to practice, that I finally surrendered.

The knowledge is already there within, it’s just a matter of listening and being open to receiving the guidance – and then trust what comes through. When I mentor and coach clients I try to always share the exact messages I receive. Sometimes things don’t make sense to me but often the client knows how to interpret the message or perhaps it will make sense at a later stage. I have learned to simply pass on the messages I receive without trying to interpret them too much and this means I have to trust in my ability to receive accurate guidance, that I am simply the channel, not the source of these messages.

This also helps you to step out of your ego and speak from your higher self.  All this comes with practice and no one expects you to be perfect. The more you follow your guidance, notice the signs and trust in the Universe, the easier it will be for you to hear the messages and believe you are supported.

I want to hear from you! What is your intuition telling you today?


Trusting your instincts

The message I wanted to share today is that it’s safe for you to trust your instincts. Listen to that inner voice and know that you can rely on your gut feelings when making important decisions in life. Take some time to sit quietly today and just breathe. You will soon begin to hear your inner voice more clearly, you can even ask it questions if you like.

This quiet communication will strengthen your belief in your own ability to know what’s best for you right now. Everyone is psychic, it’s just a matter of trusting the messages you receive.

The Universe/Source communicates with us in many different ways, the most common way to receive messages from the Divine is through your feelings and this is called clairsentience, this also includes taste and smell. Clairvoyance is when you see visions in your mind’s eye and clairaudience is when you hear them as a voice. Claircognizance is when you receive instant downloads of information in your mind.

If you’re feeling stuck at the moment and not hearing your guidance clearly, perhaps you need to identify any damaging beliefs or habits that may be blocking you from hearing your guidance. Ask the Universe for help with releasing fear about your own power and abilities and it is done.

I want to hear from you! How does your inner guide speak to you?