Taking your power

I wanted to talk about empowerment today. Have you been getting messages to take back your power, to be more assertive and stand up for yourself and your beliefs? It’s time for you to step up and be a positive role model for others by taking loving action that will inspire those around you. It is safe for you to be powerful and it is safe for you to use your gifts and share them with the world.
When you hold back on your light, no one benefits, if you instead allow yourself to shine you will motivate others to do the same. A mantra that I use whenever I feel insecure about my work, or to overcome self-doubt, is “When you get nervous, focus on service”. It’s really not about you, it’s about the difference you can make in the world, and how you can help others through your unique gifts. I always give all credit to the Source for my writing and coaching, as the messages come through me, not from me. When you see yourself as the messenger, it’s easier to detach from the outcome, then there is no need to fear so called failure or even success. Just know that you are doing your part of the plan by taking guided action.
I encourage you to speak up today, maybe you need to be more assertive in certain friendships, in the office or with your partner. Perhaps you will take action related to activism for your favourite cause. Whatever you choose to do today, please know that by stepping up and assuming your leadership power, you will be a role model and inspiration to so many people around you.
I want to hear from you! How can you empower yourself today?
“It is safe for you to be powerful and it is safe for you to use your gifts and share them with the world.”