
I wanted to talk to you about forgiveness today. Perhaps you have a parent-child relationship that is in need of healing and attention. I would suggest you do a little forgiveness meditation for yourself and each member of your immediate family. You can simply use the words “I love you, I forgive you, and I set us both free”. Say this quietly in your mind, one time for each family member and I guarantee you will experience major shifts. Forgiveness doesn’t mean you say that what the other person did was okay, it simply means you are no longer willing to hold onto the pain that the anger and unforgiveness is causing you, as it’s only hurting you not them.
I want to hear from you! How has forgiveness helped you?
“Forgiveness doesn’t mean you say that what the other person did was okay, it simply means you are no longer willing to hold onto the pain that the anger and unforgiveness is causing you, as it’s only hurting you not them.”