Acts of Courage

Today I wanted to talk a bit about courage, having confidence and standing up for your beliefs. When you do so, you will inspire others to do the same. It’s not always easy speaking up or taking a stand, especially if you feel like you’re the only one doing so or if others are disagreeing. Please know that you are safe and supported and that it will be worth it, even if you can’t see the results of your efforts right away.
I encourage you to stand up for your convictions, speak your truth and continue to be a role model to those around you. You also have the opportunity to be the voice of someone who can’t speak for themselves. Perhaps you are a vegan or vegetarian and by choosing not to eat meat you help the animals who can’t speak up against the mistreatment in the food industry. Or maybe you support a charity that helps children who suffer from war or other cruelties. Maybe you chose organic, fair trade fashion and thereby support the Earth as well as the workers involved.
There are so many little acts of courage you can do, please go ahead and act with integrity and speak your truth today.
I want to hear from you! How do you show personal courage?
“When you stand up for yourself, you inspire others to do the same.”