What’s a sign?

Today I wanted to talk to you about signs from Heaven. Often times your angels, guides and loved ones on the other side will send you messages through signs. This can be a white feather where you wouldn’t expect to find one, a coin you find on the ground or birds and butterflies that fly nearby. Other times you may hear a song repeatedly on the radio and the lyrics really speak to you and your present situation or a certain book may fall off the shelf when you’re browsing the bookstore.
You can ask the Universe for a sign whenever you need to make a decision or have a question about something.
When you notice something out of the ordinary and ask yourself “Is this a sign?”, it most likely is. Since there is no such thing as death your loved ones that have crossed over will most likely want to visit you and say hello from time to time, to assure you they are fine and that everything is alright. Signs that your deceased loved ones are near may include the smell of a typical fragrance connected to that person or that you hear their name being mentioned in a conversation you overhear. Ask them to give you a clear sign that you can’t rationalize away and they will.
I want to hear from you! What is one sign you have received recently?