Focusing on our Intention

I wanted to discuss the importance of focusing our intention on what we want in our lives in order to create the reality we wish to experience.
So often we are unclear on what we want and this makes it difficult for the Universe to bring our desires to us. If you keep changing your mind or are vague about your needs, you will find it takes much longer to manifest your dreams.
It’s time to plant those seeds and prepare yourself to openly receive, knowing you deserve to have your wishes fulfilled. It’s important to realize that sometimes you may not get the desired results straight away but please know that Universe is working behind the scenes for you and your wish will be fulfilled at just the right time, have trust in divine timing and know that everything is happening exactly when it’s supposed to with divine blessings for everyone involved.
Stay focused and positive and you will receive your reward. No prayer ever goes unanswered so be open to whichever way the Universe will deliver the answer, sometimes it may come in a form you did not expect.
Visualization and affirmation work will also be very beneficial in the manifestation process as this clearly tells the Universe what you desire and this in turn speeds up the process.
If you can allow yourself to feel with all your emotions what it would feel like to have your wishes fulfilled, you will bring your manifestations into reality even quicker.
I want to hear from you! What is something you manifested in your life recently?