Dealing with the unexpected

I just wanted to share with you something that I need to really work on myself. How to react, or respond, when things don’t turn out the way we plan, when last minute events come up that change your whole day around. I’ll admit I do like to plan and organise my time.
When things come up that force me to change my schedule on short notice I get really stressed. Here’s an example from my life. I had the whole day planned out in minute detail, I had a clear picture in my mind of what my perfect day would look like. Then my oldest son Theo needed to stay at home with me as he woke up with fever. My first reaction was to go into stress mode and panic – “how am I going to get everything done, will I have to disappoint people by cancelling appointments” etc. After an hour or so I did however calm down and remembered that everything really is perfect just the way it is.
So instead I asked myself, “if I am forced to stay at home today, what good can come from that?” It turned out this would result in a lot of positive things actually. Apart from the fact I got some quality time with my son, I had time to catch up on admin, write, prepare for other meetings and meditate while he was sleeping – all in just a couple of hours!
Turns out I still got a lot of things done and even though it wasn’t exactly what I had planned for it still worked out fine. When you remain flexible, accept your situation, surrender and trust that you’re always exactly where you need to be, at the perfect time, the stress will begin to dissipate. I wish you all a beautiful day, come what may.
I want to hear from you! How do you react to last minute changes?