Be specific, but not expectant

When trying to manifest something, it is important to be specific about what you want, and not keep changing your mind as this can slow down the desired outcome.
While this is true, another important aspect is letting go. It is so important not to outline or give the Universe a script of exactly how you want your desired outcome to be delivered to you. Instead, stay open to receiving and know that you deserve that which you asked for but also allow yourself to be open to whichever way the Universe will deliver this to you.
Often times the Universe has far greater ideas for us than we could ever imagine and therefore it is best to stay open to all possibilities. When it comes to ‘letting go’ and detach from the outcome, I have been taught that it’s a little bit like mailing a letter, you have to let go of the letter so that it can be delivered to the recipient. The same thing goes for your manifestations.
Another favourite example is if you order something in a restaurant, you won’t keep checking on the waiter to see if your order will be delivered, you trust that you will get what you asked for. It’s a fine balance when it comes to manifesting, be specific and focus your intention but be prepared to let go, trust and detach from outcome.
Also, remember that the quickest way to manifest your desires is to really feel what it would be like if your wishes were already here, allow yourself to immerse in all the emotions you expect to feel when your dream is fulfilled and you will draw that experience to you even faster.
I want to hear from you! What is one thing you would like to manifest right now?